Dressage Gala-evening evaluating the sport season 2019 took place on 8th February 2020 at Masarykov dvor Vígľaš. The dressage committee led by Ing. Michaela Horná, PhD. prepared beautiful event full of rich prizes for all the winners and placed riders in all dressage categories. Among the guests of honour belonged the head of the Slovak National Federation Ing. Vladimír Chovan, general secretary PhDr. Zuzana Bačiak-Masaryková, PhD. and the owner of Masarykov dvor Martin Malatinec. The moderator of the evening was already famous Helga Kovalovská, who also enriched the event by her singing. On the violin played Martina Výbohová and Dianka Hunová performed the cheer dancing.
The riders and horses from the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky once again proved their qualities. They gained a lot of victories and placements in many categories. They were also given a „thank you letter“ by Slovak National Federation for representing Slovak Republic at international competitions.
Championship of Slovak Republic – cat. senior
- Peter Vančo a Conversano XIII-47
- Michaela Pechová a Edgar
- Kristína Flaková a Conversano VI-47
Championship of Slovak republic – cat. 5-6-year-old horses
- Linda Kilíková – Rocky Diamond
- Michaela Horná – Lorry
- Paraskevi Spišáková – Junior
Rider of the year 2019
- Kristína Flaková
- Lea Jakubíková
- Peter Vančo
- Michaela Horná
- Adam Patocs
Horse of the year 2019
- Conversano VI-47
- Giovanni
- Conversano XIII-47
- Forever
- Furioso XL Móric
Young horses of the year 2019
- Conversano XIII-47
- Dark Dionysos B
- Lorry
- Rocky Diamond
- Bonnami
Dianka Hunová Dianka Hunová
Helga Kovalovská Helga Kovalovská
Rider of the Year 2019 Rider of the Year 2019
Horse of the Year 2019 Horse of the Year 2019
Criteria for young horses 2019 Criteria for young horses 2019
Slovak Republic Championship seniors 2019 Slovak Republic Championship seniors 2019
Martina Výbohová Martina Výbohová
Representation of the Slovak Republic 2019 Representation of the Slovak Republic 2019
All awarded for the year 2019 All awarded for the year 2019