On July 16-17, 2022, the Open Slovak Dressage Championships were again held in the premises of the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm. After young horses and pony riders, this time there were categories of seniors and young riders.
More than fifty riding pairs from all over Slovakia came to test their strength. Riders from Germany and the Czech Republic also supported the event with their participation. During the two competition days, there were open competitions up to the Grand Prix and also competitions for young horses. For the first time, we welcomed to us in para dressage classes the representatives of the Slovak Republic, riders Lucia Krivosudská and Lucia Vladovičová with their teams.
Detailed results from all competitions can be found at www.nztopolcianky.sk , www.sjf.sk , www.drezura.wbl.sk .
The main judge was Doc. RNDr. Iľja Vietor, PhD. The rest of the jury consisted of Peter Juhász (SVK), Nadežda Ivaničová (SVK), Ing. Iva Schützová (CZE) and Zoltán Prutkay (HUN). Denisa Martyneková (SVK) was appointed to the role of the steward.
Slovak Championship in Dressage – seniors
Among the championship categories, only the senior category was opened. It is run at the highest level of championship competitions - the first round at the PSG level and the second at the IMI level. The second round is a freestyle to music that enjoys great popularity among the audience. Seven equestrian pairs from five different clubs qualified. After adding up the results from the two rounds, Linda Kilíková and Rocky Diamond from JK Horse Klub Nitra became the new champions of the Slovak Republic. The silver medal remained in the Topoľčianky National Stud thanks to Peter Vančo with Conversano XIII-47. Bronze was won by Michaela Balážová with the horse Marengo from the 1st dressage school ZR Prešov. The fourth and fifth place was taken by the local Michaela Horná with the horses Forever and Lorry. Eliška Slobodníková and Jantar from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji won the sixth place. The seventh position was occupied by Viera Poláčková and Winstar from JK Equina Sport Team Plavecké Podhradie.
A big thank you goes to the companies Cavalor, Heineken, Falabella, AgroTami and the National Stud "Topoľčianky", which donated valuable prizes in kind to the open competitions.
Team Cup
In addition to the championships, the second year of the team competition called Team Cup took place at MSR. The riders formed three-member teams, in which one rider pair competed at the A level, the second at the L level and the third at the M level. The ranking of the teams was determined by adding up the results of the members of the individual teams.
Six teams entered the competition. The championship was won by a team called AlZoKa Team, composed of Karolína Beláková - Limit, Alexandra Šoterová - Alonso, Zoya Ledecká - Django. Second place went to MTV Team, which consisted of Milan Kuhajda - Donna Grazia, Veronika Marthaler - Liber T, Tamara Polláková - Welt Regency. Third place was taken by the Ivanka pri Dunaj Equestrian Club team represented by Diana Cingelová - Minella, Silvia Záhorská - Graduell, Lara Dangl - Giovanni.
The financial vouchers for the winner and the runners-up were donated by the equestrian clothing and equipment company ProHorse Nová Baňa. We heartily congratulate the winners and the runners-up and wish them many more sport successes.
TEAM CUP Topoľčianky 16.7.2022
Výsledky Topoľčianky 16.-17.7.2022